Marrangoni Pottery: Document states Official Origins Seguici su Facebook  

Marrangoni craftsmen since at least 1859

This is an official document dated April 25, 1859, found in the Archives of the Bishop of Pienza (SI) which states the ancient lineage of the Marrangoni family in the art of pottery manufacturing.
It states clearly that on the 25th of April 1859 at 11.00 a.m. a baby boy was baptized with the names Settilio, Federigo, Settimino. It reads, in the details of the parents of the child, that his father, Marrangoni Flavio, was a pottery craftsman.
In yellow highlight:
Addi (today)....25 Aprile 1859
Cognome e Nome del Padre... Marrangoni Flavio
Mestiere o Condizione del medesimo...Vasaio

Certificato nascita Marrangoni Settilio 25 Aprile 1859

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